Alphabet Anthologies

In each installment of Rhonda Parrish’s Alphabet Anthologies series, all the stories are tied to the anthology’s theme and there is one story for each letter of the alphabet. Near the end of each story, you get the grand reveal! What did the letter stand for? It adds an extra bit of fun while you are reading. If you are like me, you are trying to figure out what the word might be all along.

G is for Ghosts 

In the seventh entry in Rhonda Parrish’s Alphabet Anthologies series, each story is related to ghosts.

Jeanne’s story in this anthology is tied to the letter K.

F is for Fairy

In the sixth entry in Rhonda Parrish’s Alphabet Anthologies series, each story is related to fairies.

Jeanne’s story in this anthology is tied to the letter D.

E is for Evil

In the fifth volume in editor Rhonda Parrish’s Alphabet Anthologies series, evil is interpreted in many ways. It includes 26 stories, one for each letter of the alphabet, and all tied to the theme of the anthology.

Jeanne’s story in this anthology is tied to the letter Q.

D is for Dinosaur

This is the fourth volume in editor Rhonda Parrish’s Alphabet Anthologies series. It includes 26 stories, one for each letter of the alphabet, and all tied to the theme of the anthology. In D is for Dinosaur you’ll find a wide range of dinosaurs, both metaphoric and literal.

Jeanne story in this anthology is tied to the letter J.

Listen to Jeanne read the first five minutes of J from D is for Dinosaur:

